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Human Services


The Human Services Dietetics and Nutrition Program of Study is designed to prepare students for occupations that focus on nutritional well-being, such as a dietitian or nutritional counselor. While in this program of study, students investigate human needs, nutritional requirements and issues, nutrients and their relation to disease, and disease prevention. Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), the co-curricular student organization, will provide students with opportunities for leadership development, personal growth and school/community involvement in service projects & competitions. Participation is recommended for all Human Services classes. FCCLA is a state recognized CTSO that improves the quality and relevance of Human Services courses. Dual Enrollment opportunities available through Roane State Community College.


NUTRITION I (Introduction to Human Studies) – Single Block; One Semester; One Credit; 9th – 12th grades; Prerequisites/Requirements: None. This is a foundational course for students interested in becoming a social worker, dietician, nutritionist, counselor, stay-at-home parent or community volunteer. This course covers topics like counseling, career investigation, stress management, communication, nutrition, food preparation, healthy relationships, and personal development.

NUTRITION II (Nutrition Across the Lifespan) – Single Block; One Credit; 9 th - 12th grades; Prerequisite: Nutrition I (Introduction to Human Studies). This course is for students interested in learning more about becoming a dietitian, nutritionist, counselor, or pursuing a variety of scientific, health, or culinary arts professions. This course covers human anatomy and physiological systems, nutrition requirements, as well as social, cultural, and other impacts on food preparation and integrity.

NUTRITION III (Nutrition Science and Diet Therapy) – Single Block; One Credit; 11th –  12th  grades; Prerequisite: Nutrition II (Nutrition across the Lifespan) or Health Science Education.
This is an applied knowledge course in nutrition for students interested in the role of nutrition in health and disease.
Upon completion of this course, proficient students will be able to develop a nutrition care plan as part of the
overall health care process, use methods for analyzing the nutritional health of a community, and understand the
relationship of diet and nutrition to specific diseases. The course emphasizes the role of diet as a contributor to
disease and its role in the prevention and treatment of disease. Artifacts will be created for inclusion in a portfolio,
which will continue to build throughout the program of study.

NUTRITION IV (Human Services Practicum)- Single Block; One Semester; One Credit; 12th grade. Prerequisite: Nutrition III (Nutrition Science & Diet Therapy). Human Services Practicum is a capstone course in the Human Services career cluster that provides a practicum experience for students as they develop an understanding of professional and ethical issues. The capstone course will be based on the knowledge and skills from previous courses in the human services cluster. Upon completion of the course, students will be proficient in components of communication, critical thinking, problem solving, information technology, ethical and legal responsibilities, leadership, and teamwork. Instruction may be delivered through school-based laboratory training or through work-based learning arrangements such as cooperative education, mentoring, and job shadowing.

WORK BASED LEARNING: Students who have completed 2-4 credits in Human Studies may be eligible to earn course credit and gain real world work experience through WBL. See page 62 in registration guide for more information.